Friday, November 28, 2008
my last night
at the sainpalo's :/ I leave tonight at 1 a.m. for Lapland ! Its a ten hour bus ride, and all the exchange students in Finland will be there, so I get to see all my old friends from language camp :] We're there for five days at a place called Muonio if you want to look it up on the map. Its really far north, in the arctic circle :O I'm gunna attempt skiing, although I don't know how good I'll be at that....wish me luck ! I'm getting back on wednesday, but I don't know if I'll have internet connection up there, so I might not be in touch with anyone until Thursday day...This past week was really nice, I went to Youth Group again last night, it was realllllly good. There was this band there and they played these wicked long songs, but they were really cool, so I'm really liking it there. I missed my bus afterwards though, so I had to sit outside [remember, its like -2 degrees celcius outside, which is like 23 ? degrees farenheit [spelling ?] for a half hour until the next bus came. And this whole week I've had choir practice everyday, and then today we sang in the assembly for the first sunday or advent :] It was really cool, and we walked in holding candles and all the lights were out, and yeah, it was pretty awesome. Sometime in december we'll be performing downtown at the christmas celebration, singing both finnish and swedish songs ! I've got the swedish song down pat now, it's pretty exciting. Right now, literally, I'm making brownies [well, i'm trying, i'm not sure if they're going to turn out or not....:/] and then later on today I'll make enchiladas ! We're having sort of a day late mexican thanksgiving going away party ! Anna's brothers' family and her parents are coming over, and then later on we're having, yet again, their favorite american dessert, Fanta Floats which they have now been deemed :] So that should be fun. I had my oral exam in Finnish lessons today, Chet and I had to talk with each other in finnish for two minutes. Our script was pretty good I guess, we didn't want to just do the basics, so we worked on including some new stuff as well, and it went alright. I shipped out my family's christmas box on wednesday, along with a little package for my favorite non-related family, I'll write letters sometime next week, so they should be in [most of] your hands before christmas ! Anyways, the brownies smell good, I think I'll take them out, have a nice weekend !
Sunday, November 23, 2008
niin suuri, hän on
laulakaa niin suuri hän on
pian kaikki nähdä saa
niin suuri hän on.
how great is our god
sing with me how great is our god
and all will sing
how great is our god
we sang that in church today :] yep, I went. I wanted to see what the sunday services were like and they were so much like home, it felt so right. They offer english translation as well, so it makes it so much better because I know what they're talking about. I'mreally excited to be back in church finally, and I plan on going as often as I can. I asked Annina to go with me, and she gladly accepted, so I'm hoping she'll go with me as well, I think it's a really good opportunity for both of us :) Yesterday my family had Petra's family over for desserts and coffee, I made orange soda floats, everyone seemed to like them. Petra, Pinja, Maria, Panu [Petra's older brother, he's maybe 4 months younger than me] and I played flashlight hide and go seek. I was really bad at it....but it was fun (: And today there was a huge snowstorm, there's like 5 inches of snow outside and its still coming down ! It's this crazy wind snow stuff, its really think and light and fluffy [terrible for snowballs or igloos, but really nice to walk in] and sometimes if the wind gets trapped it makes like snow tornadoes ! Crazy :P Um, I attempted to video some of it, but its reallllly dark and I don't think you can see anything, but you can certainly try: Tomorrow I have school and choir practice in the morning. Same with Tuesday, I also have finnish lessons and chill night. Wednesday I have finnish lessons and school, of course. Thursday [thanksgiving in the U.S., but not in Finland] I have a rotary meeting at which the exchange student from last year who went to the states is going to be speaking, and then after that is Youth Group. And on Friday I have finnish lessons and then that evening I'm baking dinner for my host family as a farewell dinner/thanksgiving. I'm making enchiladas, Juuso begged me :), and I'm gunna see if I can make a pumpkin pie as well as brownies (: I thought a lot about my senior year today, and I'm kind of scared that I'm gunna forget how to study and pass tests and do homework next year, so I went and took all of the practice questions for the SAT online. I did alright with reading and writing, but I am terrible at math....I'm gunna have to work on that. And then on friday I leave at 2 am for Lapland [northern finland, in the arctic circle !]. It's a ten hour bus trip, but a lot of my friends from language camp are on my bus, so it should be fun :] We're there for five days, and when I get back I go to the Viertola's ! I'm sad to leave the Sainpalo's, but also excited to move in with the Viertola's. Maria and I went Ice Skating this morning, it was quite fun, although I'm really not very good, but thats okay, she just laughs at me :] Okei, well, goodnight!
pian kaikki nähdä saa
niin suuri hän on.
how great is our god
sing with me how great is our god
and all will sing
how great is our god
we sang that in church today :] yep, I went. I wanted to see what the sunday services were like and they were so much like home, it felt so right. They offer english translation as well, so it makes it so much better because I know what they're talking about. I'mreally excited to be back in church finally, and I plan on going as often as I can. I asked Annina to go with me, and she gladly accepted, so I'm hoping she'll go with me as well, I think it's a really good opportunity for both of us :) Yesterday my family had Petra's family over for desserts and coffee, I made orange soda floats, everyone seemed to like them. Petra, Pinja, Maria, Panu [Petra's older brother, he's maybe 4 months younger than me] and I played flashlight hide and go seek. I was really bad at it....but it was fun (: And today there was a huge snowstorm, there's like 5 inches of snow outside and its still coming down ! It's this crazy wind snow stuff, its really think and light and fluffy [terrible for snowballs or igloos, but really nice to walk in] and sometimes if the wind gets trapped it makes like snow tornadoes ! Crazy :P Um, I attempted to video some of it, but its reallllly dark and I don't think you can see anything, but you can certainly try: Tomorrow I have school and choir practice in the morning. Same with Tuesday, I also have finnish lessons and chill night. Wednesday I have finnish lessons and school, of course. Thursday [thanksgiving in the U.S., but not in Finland] I have a rotary meeting at which the exchange student from last year who went to the states is going to be speaking, and then after that is Youth Group. And on Friday I have finnish lessons and then that evening I'm baking dinner for my host family as a farewell dinner/thanksgiving. I'm making enchiladas, Juuso begged me :), and I'm gunna see if I can make a pumpkin pie as well as brownies (: I thought a lot about my senior year today, and I'm kind of scared that I'm gunna forget how to study and pass tests and do homework next year, so I went and took all of the practice questions for the SAT online. I did alright with reading and writing, but I am terrible at math....I'm gunna have to work on that. And then on friday I leave at 2 am for Lapland [northern finland, in the arctic circle !]. It's a ten hour bus trip, but a lot of my friends from language camp are on my bus, so it should be fun :] We're there for five days, and when I get back I go to the Viertola's ! I'm sad to leave the Sainpalo's, but also excited to move in with the Viertola's. Maria and I went Ice Skating this morning, it was quite fun, although I'm really not very good, but thats okay, she just laughs at me :] Okei, well, goodnight!
Friday, November 21, 2008
the Jyväskylän ice hockey team here, called JYP, lost their game today to Kuopio, a nearby city :/ I had the wonderful opportunity to work the concession stands which I've done once before, and it was so much fun ! I took Petra, my neighbor friend, with me, she helps me out when I don't understand and we had a blast. I worked with three other girls, two of them went to my school, so they were fun to be with as well :] I understood so much of the finnish people were saying, and I was able to talk to them and everything, I even got to work the cash register ! So yeah it was really fun, plus when it was over, it was snowing ! Big flakes :] It's so pretty. Since I had such a good time at the church yesterday, I decided that I really wanted to go to the sunday service. I haven't been to church on a Sunday since I left home, and I really really miss it. So I got up the courage, and decided that I'm going to go. I don't really wanna go alone though, so I took an even bigger step and asked Annina to come with me, I was really afraid she'd say no, for a few reasons, but by God's grace, she said yes ! We're both nervous about going, because we're both new, but I really believe that God is calling me to do this, and take this step, and I'm really glad Annina is doing it with me. I just pray that it will be a good experience, and that I can keep going week after week. Tomorrow Petra's family is coming over for dinner, so that should be fun :] I'm making orangesicle floats ! [you know, orange soda on ice cream?] My family liked them the last time I made them, so it should be a hit again ! My english is getting progressively worse, so please bear with me these next few months. Today I was talking to Petra and said "Not wanting to make a positive example of yourself, eh?" Which basically makes no sense. But oh well :] So yeah, have a nice weekend !
Thursday, November 20, 2008
and i've finally found
what i've been looking for. A CHURCH. :D It's called VaapaKirkko in finnish which translates directly into "Evangelical Free Church". I went to their youth group tonight with my friend Jenna from school, there were probably 100 people there, we sang lots of songs [half of them were in english and ones that I knew !]. There was a message given, and they have these really cool headphones available, in which you can hear the english translation ! Ah, its perfectttt. A lot of the kids there go to my school, and I met this cool girl named Sara who loves to speak english (: So yeah, it was a realllly fun night, and I'm really looking forward to going back there again next thursday. One of the boys there thought I was 22 ? But he was adorable :] And then there was this one kid who spoke finnish and spanish, and really terrible english, but it was so cute ! He kept offering me more food, haha. And Jenna's older brother is really cute too, and very nice and has good english :] And this boy from my english and spanish classes goes there, Robert. So yeah, I had the time of my life there, it was so good, and such an answered prayer. Before that I had my second dress appointment, and my dress is gorgeous ! I don't know how to describe it but it's so so pretty, I'm so happy. It's not finished yet, but its getting there. I am so excited for it ! Tomorrow will be short, maybe I'll find something to do in the evening :] It snowed again last night, so we have about 2.5 inches out there. It's so so pretty, you can see pictures here: and video ! here: So check those out (= That's it for now ! Adios <3
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
so i forgot to mention that i have a youtube account ! i only have 3 videos up right now, but theyre cute :] haveee fun !
i can't speak english !
So i just finished up giving four presentations about myself and the US and what not to 8th 9th and 11th graders, and have come to the conclusion that my english is far worse that I thought it was. I sound like a finn trying to speak english, its terrible. Anyways, on a lighter note, I just opened a wonderful package from my favorite non-related family, the wonderful wilsons :] Thank you so much for you [absolutely amazing] card and cider, I haven't had hot apple cider in so long, I'm so excited for it ! And yes, I cried, of course :D I'll try and put my replies in the mail tomorrow, if not then, then on friday. And I will definitely try to blog more often, I'm really sorry about falling short....Anyhow, I have one more presentation to give today, then I go downtown for Finnish lessons, which I leave early to go to choir practice at my school [I'm singing finnish and swedish songs, in finnish and swedish ! go me !] and then I have to leave that early to go to my first badminton tournament, [I joined the league at my school !]. So today is rather busy :] Thanks for reading, you're all in my prayers !
Monday, November 17, 2008
november fifteeth
was probably the greatest day of my entire life :] So this weekend I attended Maata Näkyvissä which is the largest christian festival in all of Scandinavia. It was held in Turku, a city about 3 hours from my house at an Ice hockey arena [obviously, there was no ice.]. We left on friday around 1 30 from Jyväskylä and arrived in Turku around seven [we stopped for like 45 minutes at a gas station/mini mall in the middle of the trip.]. I went with Annina and her friend Roosa, the bus ride there was really fun :] There were around 11,000 people at this event, so it was packed ! Friday night we ate our evening snack [bread, butter, cheese, and yoghurt] and then went to the arena and listened to some music. After the bands played we had a hugeeee communion with real wine and bread, it was really cool. There were booths set up upstairs with merchandise and what not, cd's, t-shirts, etc. The night ended around 11 and then we headed over to one of the local schools where we would be spending the nights at. There were probably 200 of us in the school that I stayed in and the girls all slept in the gym, the boys were split up into different classrooms. It wasn't too bad sleeping in there, although it was impossible to go to bathroom cause the lines were so long. But that night Annina, Roosa, and I ate a delicious cake thing that Roosa baked for me for my birthday ! It was so sweet :] In the morning we got up and got dressed and went to the arena for breakfast around 8. We had disgusting porridge that made all our tummy's feel weird, but the bread and yoghurt was good :] The first set of bands to play were really popular finnish bands, some of them were quite good. Kraka, this finnish indie band, was probably my favorite out of them and did a duo-show with this finnish rapper. So there were two drummers, four guitarists, and two bassists on stage, it was amazing ! After the first set of music finished, the security cleared out the building so they could clean and such for the next set. So we all traveled over to the other building for lunch. Well, most of us. Annina and I, and others, got right back in line to be let back in in an hour, skipping lunch. We wanted a good place in the mosh pit for The Rain [a very popular finnish band], and we ended up getting 6th row :] So that was cool. After them there were workshops and studios set up with all different kinds of things to do. Annina and I went to listen to Pastor Dien Taylor from the Bronx, New York City. It was in english so I was in heaven. He talked about what heaven was like and why we should be excited for it, it was really cool. When he was done Annina and I wanted to talk to him and get his autograph and such, and as we were standing in line Annina turned around quickly and said "OH MY GOSH, LOOK BEHIND YOU." And there, standing two meters away, was Sanctus Real. The band. From Ohio. I had known they were going to be here at this festival, but they were standing right next to me ! So I ran over to Matt and asked him to sign my one dollar bill. He was really conffused at first, wondering where a Finn would get a dollar bill, but he figured out I must be from the states. So we got to talking and I met the rest of the band [PETE !] and we talked all about life and how great of an opportunity we both had, to be here in Finland witnessing to others God's great works and everything, it was so cool. Their manager, Curt, offered to take our picture, which you can see here: So it was basically my dream come true and I was pretty much the happiest person on the planet. After they had to leave we walked over to the other building to get our evening snack [more bread and yogurt !] and this time we stood next to these rather good looking boys :] I kind of always bring attention to myself because I speak english, so after a while the boys finally asked Annina and Roosa where I was from and how old we were and where we were from in Finland. We talked for like 45 minutes and they were both really cool. One was named Roope, which is pronounced like rrr-ohh-pay :) When we were walking out I was talking to the girls and said something like "I really want to meet someone new." And right after that these two guys walked up and pretended to be from a TV channel and were like interviewing us and all this stuff. It was so cute ! At first we tried to convince them that we were all American, but it didn't last for long. I was soon singled out as the American and then they found out it was my birthday so they sang to me ! Since it was in english, everyone in the room turned to look :] We stayed and chatted for another half an hour, talking about such random things, and even making up this crazy dance ! It was so much fun (: We then realized that we needed to hurrry up and go get in a line in order to be first row for Sanctus Real. We stood in the freezing cold for 45 minutes, but it was well worth it. We were front and center, and it was so amazing. When Sanctus Real was about to come out, one of the hosts of the event came out and since he knew that the band didn't understand finnish, he told all of the crowd that we were going to play a joke on the band. He told them all to have their cameras ready and that when Sanctus Real came out on stage, to not make a sound. And then, once they sang the first line, to scream all at once and take a picture. It was actually really cool, but I don't think Sanctus Real got the joke...but it was hillarious from our point of view :] Their concert was amazing, and afterwords Annina and I ran out to go get autographs ! Again ! When we got back up there, they treated us like old pals, saying things like "oh hey ! nice to see you again !" And then Pete, my favorite member, told the fill-in guitarist, "Hey, this girl is from Bremerton, Washington ! She's so cool, and its her birthday !" Annina was great, and talked to them all. I told her she had to because her english was so amazing, and at the end Matt, the lead vocalist, said to her "Hey, you're a Finn right ?" She replied, "Yeah, I'm Finnish." And then he said, "Wow, cause you have reallly good english for a Finn." She lit up like a kid in a candy store, it was great :] And since Pete had already signed my dollar, I asked him to sign my hand ! :D Earlier in the day I found a half of a one dollar bill that wasn't mine on the ground of the arena. I couldn't think of how else an american dollar would have gotten in there, so I wrote Sanctus Real a note on the back saying something like "Hey, I found this dollar and thought it might be yours :] But thanks for making my 17th birthday FABULOUS. Your songs are so powerful and touching, God Bless you all. Jocelyn [WA]" And they really liked it :) So that was my birthday and it was pretty much the best day ever.
Sunday, the last day of the festival was just spent buying a Sanctus Real shirt, taking loads of pictures, and sitting because our feet hurt so bad ! One of the most popular activities at this festival was the "FREE HUGS" sign that almost everyone made for themselves. I kind of wanted to join in on the fun so I made myself a sign that said "HUG ME ! I'm American." And I got lots of hugs :] Because Finns are shy to use english they kind of just walked up to me and held open their arms, but it was sweet. The bus ride home was nice, I just slept :) When we got back to Jyväskylä it was SNOWING ! We got about 2.5 centimeters, and its so pretty ! So that was fun. I came home to numerous emails wishing me a happy birthday, so thank you to all who wished me one, I had the best one ever. One girl asked me "So what did you get for your birthday ?" And I replied "Sanctus Real." And she was like "Oh, like the CD ?" And I said in return "No, like the band :)" ahah, it was such a good day ! And a really nice weekend. I'm going to Juuso's school on Wednesday to talk to the 8th graders, and on thursday I have a dress appointment, and then on Friday I'm going to the Ice Hockey arena with Petra to work the concession stands again ! So that should be fun. I leave next weekend for Lapland, and then when I get back I'll go to the Viertola's house. I don't know their address, but you can always just write to the Sainpalo's address and they'll get it to me, they won't mind (: So anyways, hoping you're having a lovely november, mine has been so great ! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers :]
Sunday, the last day of the festival was just spent buying a Sanctus Real shirt, taking loads of pictures, and sitting because our feet hurt so bad ! One of the most popular activities at this festival was the "FREE HUGS" sign that almost everyone made for themselves. I kind of wanted to join in on the fun so I made myself a sign that said "HUG ME ! I'm American." And I got lots of hugs :] Because Finns are shy to use english they kind of just walked up to me and held open their arms, but it was sweet. The bus ride home was nice, I just slept :) When we got back to Jyväskylä it was SNOWING ! We got about 2.5 centimeters, and its so pretty ! So that was fun. I came home to numerous emails wishing me a happy birthday, so thank you to all who wished me one, I had the best one ever. One girl asked me "So what did you get for your birthday ?" And I replied "Sanctus Real." And she was like "Oh, like the CD ?" And I said in return "No, like the band :)" ahah, it was such a good day ! And a really nice weekend. I'm going to Juuso's school on Wednesday to talk to the 8th graders, and on thursday I have a dress appointment, and then on Friday I'm going to the Ice Hockey arena with Petra to work the concession stands again ! So that should be fun. I leave next weekend for Lapland, and then when I get back I'll go to the Viertola's house. I don't know their address, but you can always just write to the Sainpalo's address and they'll get it to me, they won't mind (: So anyways, hoping you're having a lovely november, mine has been so great ! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers :]
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
so yeah
It's been a whileee. I'm totally fine, I do hope you weren't worried. I've just been crazy busy, and to tell you the truth kind of forgot about my blog...sorry ! I'm trying to immerse myself, in doing so, I sort of let this slip. So the past week was swell, we finished up our second "period" in school and this week is test week. I don't really have any tests to take, so I basically have this week off...Most people say that I'm lucky, but I don't really like it, sitting at home with nothing to do but watch pointless tv or surf the net. So sometimes I just go to school anyways and sit at a table and play card games for a couple of hours :] So last monday I had my first dress appoointment with Raila [i think...] and she seems really sweet and really good at what she does. So I'm confident my dress will turn out wonderfully. We just went over the basic design, took measurements [oh boy !], and then scheduled my next appointment for the 20th of November. Tuesday I skipped school and went instead to talk to 6 different 6th grade classes at Maria's school. They were much easier to talk to then the 3rd graders because they understood a lot more. I brought in my magazines, my passport, some american money, and some pins that I had left over from language camp. They seemed to enjoy it and some of them were brave enough to ask me questions ! So that was fun. On thursday I attened the Rotary meeting, only this time it was our 50th Anniversary celebration of the club. So we had it at the local community hall thats really exquisite and old. We got there around 5 45, and as I walked in I soon realized I was compltely underdressed and boy did I feel stupid. I had no idea it was such a big event...whoops. I didn't really have anyone to talk to, I didn't know anyone there, so I hung out by the coat racks until Martti [my youth exchange officer] came in. Once he did we were told by the president that we needed to wait for a bit while the dinner tables were being set up. So we stood around talking and toasting champagne. After about an hour we were finally able to go inside. We sat down and I got to sit across the table from my Principal, Jorma, at my school. He's a former president of my Rotary club :] They started off with one 45 minute message from our President, all in finnish of course. Then we had our starters, some salad and potatoes. After we were done we were entertained by a finnish soprano singer. She was really good :) After she was done we were then entertained by the cities choral group, they were also quite good. When they left we then listened to another 45 minute speech from someone important I presume...When he was done we had our main course of Lamb, potatoes, and bread. Afterwards they served seconds ! But I'm pretty sure lamb is not my food of I just kept drinking water, talking to myself in my head. When our dishes had been cleared we then listened to two back to back 50 minute speeches from the President of all of Rotary in Finland, and then some man who was probably important as well. After these speeches we had this interesting side snack thing, thronberry sauce on spongey cake....not bad, not great. After that the President of my club presented ribbons to three men, although I'm not sure why...I asked Martti, but I didn't really understand what he was saying. So afterwards we had dessert, some type of cake, and coffee and chatted for about an hour. I didn't really take part in the chatting, there isn't much to talk about when they don't speak english so well...When Martti finally said it was time to leave it was 11 30 at night. It was the longest 6 hours of my entire life I believe...but I survived ! So that was my thursday. The weekend wasn't bad, I played badminton with Harri Maria and Juuso on saturday ! It was really quite fun, Juuso and I dominated :] OH ! IT SNOWED ! on saturday ! Nothing stuck, but it snowed the whole day. And now its sunny...this weather is bi-polar. So yeah, that was basically my whole weekend I think. I got to talk to my parents and brothers on sunday and then on Monday and Tuesday I took my english tests. I think I did okay...haha. They were fun :) And now today I have finnish lessons that I need to get going for. Sorry for the delay in posting, I am very fine, just busy. Thanks for reading :D
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