Thursday, August 21, 2008

kaksi toista [part two]

So let's talk about yesterday. It wasn't too shabby, tiring, but not too bad. I believe it started withhh psychology. Not too bad, we did some talking, and some drawing, and some more talking. Emmi, my teacher, is so crazy ! But it's hilarious, so that's fine :] And then I had spanish, which wasn't really all too spectacular, although I learned some new words and such. And then I had an hour break after lunch, so I sat in the art tower and read, and re read, my psychology hand out. I need to remember to start bringing a book to school since we don't have a library at my own...Art was good as well, we did some more shading, I finished my metamorphasis project, and I have to say, it turned out pretty nicely. And then I rode the bus home and hung out with Lauri and his friend, I forget his name. We watched the olympics and figured out how to work his new laptop. And then they had ice hockey practice, along with Juuso and Harri, Anna went running, and Maria was at Pinja's house. So I was home alone for an hour ! But it was alright, I just watched some more olympics and Hogan Knows Best. And then I attended Heidi and Henna's soccer practice, which was alright, reallllly tiring, and the coach didn't speak any englsih, but overall it was nice :] And then I went straight to sleep !

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