Sunday, December 28, 2008


oh just another finnish tradition I remembered, so they make this delicious drink called "glogi" pronounced gluggy, which is basically really hot fruit juice that tastes a bit like hot apple cider, only better. And in it you put almond slices, sometimes whole ones, and raisins, which you spoon out with a spoon. It's really tasty and you enjoy it with gingerbread cookies and other yummy things. And yeah, everytime we visit someone's house over christmas it's what we always drink. Along with eating Torttu, a star shaped flaky biscuit with pie filling in the middle usually blueberry, sometimes chocolate or strawberry, or even apple. They're realllly tasty :) And yeah, I'll probably have a lot more of these type blogs, as I slowly remember different things we did.

!$%?#$ :D

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Wow you had some pretty weird torttus! I have only heard of the original plum jam and sometimes apricot. They're called plum tarts anyway...