Thursday, February 5, 2009

today today today

is gunna be the day.

I don't know why I always use song lyrics as my Well today is thursday, I'm currently at the local library downtown. It's actually really busy and I feel bad for using up so much computer time (but not really...:]) In two hours I'll go to youth group, which I'm excited for, but it really sucks to have to wait downtown after school for four hours....yeah. But I've just been walking around, got something to eat (a delicious can of peaches, some blueberry yoghurt, karjalanpiiraka (i have no idea how to translate that....)and orange juice, mmm) and now I'm at the library. European keyboards are really hard to type on...they have lots of funky letters like äåö and everything is in a different place, besides the normal letters of course. But yeah. So today I had art with the usual group of people, Chet Noora Krista and Julia. And then we had the most disgusting pea soup everrrrr. And then I had finnish lessons which were really fun we learned adjectives ! wooo. Tomorrow I have dance at the dance hall to practice our placement and stuff, and then I have religion and psychology. I then meet Maria somewhere downtown and we'll do a little shopping and then take a bus to my house, play some board games, bake banana bread (I've had to yell at my host mom nearly every day to not eat the bananas ! :]) and watch a movie or something. Haha so that should be fun. Yesterday was nice, I went to chill night and it wasn't bad, we played cards, spoons and egyptian rat slap, but chill night can only last an hour now. There are new church rules or something. I dunno, I don't really mind. Annina and I ate Submarine for lunch, kind of like subway, but better. More like quiznos really....and yeah. Thats it. Probably won't post tomorrow, so saturday hopefully full of lots of pictures and videos from the weekend !

Happy perjantai !

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