Monday, May 4, 2009

ho hee hum

this past weekend was indeed happy :) We had a three day weekend thanks to the wonderufl holiday of Vappu, which means free. Its in honour of the workers, so its sort of like Labour Day. But its just fabulous, downtown there was a huge bounce house and some carnival games and millions of booths set up selling candy and t shirts and other random things. Huge ginourmus fair balloons (yanno, those helium filled pretty coloured ones ?) were being sold, I bought a large pig ! It was sorttt of expensive, but hey, when it dies I can always fold it up and take it home and keep it forever. So I wasn't too upset. And there are colourful streamers put everywere and on everyone, and everyone is just so happy and yeah. It was nice. My host mom, mimmi, and I went to Paappa's cottage and spent the wonderously sunny weekend there. We went to sauna and swimming (for about 7 seconds) in the freezing cold water (maybe 40 degrees F or cold) because all the ice had jsut melted. And we went boating, and climbed on rocks (I fell off one and got a large scrape all up my shin, it looks very pretty) and got a tiny tiny tiny bit sunburned (hallelujiah). And it was nice :D Its supposed to rain today, and I'm sort of hoping it does, I haven't had good rain since I left home I don't think. Maybe once or twice when I first arrived here, but its certainly been awhile. I went running last night with Annina and Piia and Make, it was really quite fun. I was supposed to go to the gym with Anna today but she has to work, so I'll try and make up for that and do something on my own. Tomorrow I'm going to go visit the Viertolas sometime and pick up my bike and have coffee or something. And on wednesday I'm going running again with the girls and on thursday Annina and I are going to youth group. Last week I took Nuppe with me...She hated it...haha, but I'm glad she at least came with me and experienced it. And on friday I leave around 16.00 for Helsinki to pick up Ulla and then go to Estonia for the weekend ! I'm excited for that :D and the girls (nupppe and mimmmi) and I get our own hotel room ! Yipppeeee :P And now I'm going downtown to go shopping with Annina<3 Today I sent out a letter to two very special little brothers of mine, hopefully it makes it there <3! :D

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