Tuesday, June 2, 2009

these weeks go by like the seconds on a clock.

does that even make any sense? It's already been another week since my last post, this is probably one of the last few that I'll post before returning to the United State, June 25th still seems far away however. I dont even know where to begin, I've sort of forgotten what I've done on each day thats passed. I took a few tests, Englsih and Religion, I got a 10 (A) from English and a 7-(B-/C+) from Religion, but to remind you the whole class was taught in Finnish and then my test was translated into english. So it was acutally a fairly good score seeing as I had no english material the whole course ! Anyways. Then I had a good wednesday off which I sat around and enjoyed the sun. Thursday I gave my big end of the year presentation to the Rotary, all in finnish which surprised almost all of them who had no idea I had mastered the language so well. So that was fun :D They gave me some really nice books to take home (gee, more heavy things...). Then that same night, thursday, was Lyseo (my school's) "Art Night" and the theme was animals. There was a play put on by the teachers that was hilarious, I ahve part of a video to show when I get back. And then there were various performances put on by the students, mini dramas, bands, musical pieces, etc. It was really fun though, and I got lots of pictures with my friensd, some of which are on my flickr ! Friday I went to anninas in the morning and went running with piia, not very far, maybe 2 miles. And then I spent the whole day with her translating my speech in to finnish which I wsas giving the following morning to my school. I was really nervous about that...But we just spent the whole nice day together, and then I spent the night and it was really fun. In the morning we were up at 5 to do our hair and get ready for our last day of school. We were singing in the choir, John Lennons Imagine, which went realyl really well, we got lots of compliments on it. I have video of it that I can maybe upload this week somtime. It also includes my speech that went realy well, althoguh I spoke really fast....as always. But the crowd laughed at my jokes and gave me a nice long applause and cheers, so I felt good. That weekend we, the Turpeinens and myself, went down to Helsinki for Lauris graduation party, it acutalyl was really fun. The beginning was a bit awkward, I just stood with Mimmi on the side randomly saying to people I didnt know, and neither did she. Haha. But once the crowd died down The cousins and I all played really long games of barefoot soccer and jumped on the trampoline. The next day we did the same things and also played Risk, the boardgame. In which Mimmi and I won ! By completing all of our missions first, and capturing all of north america, Ha :D It was actually quite an exciting game, I realyl liked it. We left their house in the evening and returned home around 23.00. On monday I went downtown with Annina and toured this really gorgeuos foresty part in Jyväsklyä that was realyl awesome, and I took pictures, flickrrr. I have a sun burn now ! which will turn to a tan ! Finalllllyyyyy. I really thoguht I'd have to go home stark white. Today was a bit oversast but annina and I went on a crazy long run around the lake, and without stopping, not even once, we finished 9.3 km, roughly equivalent to 6 and a bit miles. It was death, and my feet hurt, but it was realyl nice ! And ! I don't ahve to go on the big trip that would have taken 9 days to Turku anymore, I'm staying with the Sainpalos from today until next thursday which means I get to go on my run with the girls ! And stay in Jkl. ! Hooray ! So I'm really stoked for that, but I actually should be leaving now so I can go catch my bus to go there. Hopefully I can blog again soon, but no promises....Pictures on flick. Three more weeks. Jeee !

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