Monday, August 25, 2008

i forgot !

My host brother, Lauri, is taking part in his ice hockey teams tradition tomorrow night. He's six months younger than me, and the youngest on his hockey team. They have this tradition where when the youngest one becomes a member of the team or something, the older members get to cut his hair. In any way they please, shaving off whatever they want, going with any look that comes to mind. And he has to live with this hair cut for three whole days before he can fix it, aka shave it off. So Lauri, who has a tonnnn of hair, will probably be bald by friday, and from tomorrow until then, may look like he just went through the garbage disposal. I took a picture of him so that we can see before and after pictures. Oh, and during of course :]

Here is what he looks like as of now:

1 comment:

Jason Snoddy said...
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