Friday, January 23, 2009

happy birthday beeeeef !

Jordan turned 19 crazyyyy. Sorry I wasn't there to experience it :/ Today was also Barbara's last day at school, she leaves for Helsinki on Sunday morning and flies to Italy on Tuesday...for good. I made her a scrapbook with pictures we took [ ] and gave her some starbucks coffee to remember me by. We skipped religion with Saga, Anna, and Petra and went to have one last coffee together. It was really fun and Barbara and I danced on the streets to the tune of some homeless guitar player :p Arttu and Sanelma made pizza tonight, it was really good ! Pizza dough, tomato paste, ground meat, onions, sliced tomatoes, and pinapple and cheese...interesting combo, but it was really tasty. And Raija made a cake ! We're eating it tomorrow though...darn, it smells really good. Raija, Arvo, and I went for a walk and I picked up the neighbors dogs Tili and Tilta [a springer mix and a newfie !!!! I love tilta, shes only 6 months old and so adorable.] and went around the island, it was really fun :D Tomorrow Raija and I are going for my first cross coutnry skiing experience ! I'm rather excited, I;ll make sure to film and take pictures, I'm sure they'll be hilarious, I'm not expecting much from myself....I'm not sure what my plans are for tomorrow but next week I have my [hopefully last] dress appointment and on Thursday Marias birthday party ! And yesterday I went to see Changeling with Petra, it was SO good, sad, but really good. I definitely reccomend it, and Australia. It was a "superpäivää" [super day] at the cinema and all tickets are only 5 euros and popcorn is only 2. [compared to 9 euros and 4 90 popcorn on normal days] so it was a nice deal, they only come about once a month, not even that. So that was fun, tonight Big Mama is on TV, I think we're going to view it, I don't really remember what happens ? I think it was funny though. Other than that, I'm talking to my brother tomorrow, to wish him a very happy birthday, while the rest of my family travels to Hoaquium [or something] to watch Micah compete in the Regional Basketball Hoop Shoot, best of luck to him !


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