Wednesday, January 28, 2009


busy. is what I've been. The start of this week has been crazy ! Let us re cap :]

MONDAY: It was quite a nice day, I didn't do too much. I had art, finnish lessons and no dance because it was a free day....Finnish lessons were alright, we were in the computer lab and did different online things to practice our finnish. I rode the bus home with Julia and we talked about maybe going ice skating on friday and then going to my house to watch a movie or something :] I think its still on....And yeah, then I came home and showered and ate and some other things, not too bad, not too bad.

TUESDAY: Probably one of the worst days so far here....maybe. Anyways, the day was longggg. I had to be at school at 7 then I had to run over to the University, maybe 2 km or something, and go to finnish and then run back to school to make it in time for lunch. And then I had a religion class where the teacher had me read about the person she was talking about online so that I knew what she was saying. It was nice, I felt special :) Then I had dance class in which we learned the Salty Dog Rag, a really basic but fun dance, to some jazzy swing music. Then I had to put money on my phone [i really hate pre paid plans...] and catch a bus up to Palokka to go to the Sainpalos. I got there and ate some dinner with Maria and Harri, Juuso and Lauri were [surprise!] at ice hockey...Then after dinner Maria and I walked over to Railas house [the lady making my dress] only to find that she wasn't home ! We waited 20 minutes and then went back home. I was really angry cause the dance is in two weeks and I'd really like to have my dress. So Maria and I then put on our skiing clothes and got prepared to go cross country skiing. We walked about a km up a this huge hill to get to the ski tracks and then started the 3.5 km trip...the first half was death, alllllll uphills. It went like uphill, flat, uphill, flat, uphill, flat, etc. I suck at going up hill becauseI don't know how and I always end up sliding back down, and there are other people there, and I almost ran them over,and it was terrible. Then when we had reached the top I guess, we started all the down hills, which are even worse and more terrifying because I don't enjoy going very fast down hill....So I'm going down the hills with my toes pointed at each other trying to go slow, almost killing more people, almost killing was horrible. So we finally make it to the bottom of the hill and took off our ski's to walk home. I asked Maria for my phone [she was holding it because it always falls out of my pockets] so she gave it to me, but stupid me, I kept it. So when we got back to the house I asked for it once more and Maria said "missä se on? aijaa muistan, annoin sinulle." [where is it ? oh i remember I gave it to you]. So then I started freaking out, knowing I had once again lost my phone....stupid me. So I walked allllll the way back up the huge hill and retraced alll of our steps, telling maria to call it and asking everyone we passed if they had found a one had. At the end of the trail I just stood there and said "its not here. its not here." and then ! IT IS ! So I found my phone, lying inthe snow, right where we had stood when I asked for the time....>:[ But I only had about 5 minutes to get all the way back to her house, pack my stuff, and catch a bus back downtown to catch my bus back to muuratsalo. I put Maria on my back and literally ran all the way home, I'm sure we looked like the people from AMazing Race where one of the players gets hurt and the other carries him across the finish line...haahah. Anyways, so I missed the bus from Palokka so I begged Harri to drive me down there. We had 12 I told him to speed and whenever we hit red lights I blew and blew and blew ! [ahaha grandma :] thanks for the tip] it worked too ! We got to the station and right behind us was my bus, so I made it. And I made it home. Barely. Anyways, so it was really hectic and everything. But Anna called today to say that Raila thought my appt. was today [which it wasnt !] but that I can pick it up tomorrow. So thats good.

TODAY: Was nice. Really short :] I bought dance shoes, which you can see on flickr,, only 20 euros ! What a steal ! And I practiced with them in dance class today, they're really quite comfy, so I'm happy. Arttu and Sanelma made pizza [again?] tonight, it was good. They're all in sauna right now. Maria might be coming over next weekend to stay the night, I'm excited for that :D Shes really fun to be with. Anddddd yeah :) I'm in a good mood now, I hope you're having a wonderfully fabulous wednesday !

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