Thursday, March 12, 2009

i feel a new day coming

again with the song lyrics...

today is thursday ! isn't that exciting. not has been good with the turpeinens, my new family. i get on with the girls so well, nuppe and i act like real sisters and mimmi is always the sweet one :) I'm pretty sure its going to be lots of fun :D Although time is certainly flying by...kind of good kind of bad...I dunno. But this week has been nice. Tuesday night the girls and I had the house to ourselves because Sirpa, my host mom, left for a conference. We had lots of fun though, making things, mastering the german stars that lady from my dads work gave me (I have tried like 5489479321 billion times to figure out how to make them over the course of this trip and never could get the last part right, but finally ! we did ! and now its all we do...aahhaa) but yeah, and we watched a lot of the O.C., always good. Did I tell you about my fun bus adventure last week ?! Yeah well I meant to take 21, but somehow I got on 21M which takes the highway to Muurame, a different town, and I wanted to go to Säynätsalo, so I called Nuppe and asked her what to do and she said that I'd have to wait for another bus to come by and go back to town...But I didn't want to so I saw a sign that said "Säynätsalo -----> 6km" and I thought, well thats not too far...But I was wrong...After like 3 km I called Raija and asked if she was anywhere near and she started freaking out and told me that the town was probably 11 or 12 km more and that I'd never make it all the way within an she came and picked me up :) how nice. anyways, it was adventure.

I've had finnish lessons this week, they're alright, although this remu project is sort of really hard and annoying....bleh. But english class is fun at school, I get asked everythingggg, but its not too bad. Art is really cool too, we're working with colors at the moment and doing this cool colored paper creation thing, I'm sort of proud of mine :) We were assigned an essay in english, I haven't written one in so long, it felt sort of good to write again. Although I'm sure it was terrible. Psychology is alright, its the last course of it so I'm trying to actually learn a lot this time. Tuesday will probably be my favourite day of the week now because to school at eight and come home at 12, :D soooo nice.

I'm waiting to go to coffee with Sirpa in a bit, I'm at the university library. Tonight I'm going to youth group, looking forward to that definitely :D Hopefully I'll get to see Jenna, last time I think she was in the kitchen baking :/

But yeah, I still haven't figured out how to continue my picture uploads, but I've been taking the pictures for my 365, so if I do find a day, I won't have another big break in between.


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