Friday, March 6, 2009


I recieved the greatest present ever to be given. Today I spent time with an aquaintance, a laugh, a cry, a shoulder, a heart, a listener, a giver, a friend. my friend. a blessing from God, an angel in my life. Today I got my storybook from Annina Kasvi. There is no way to describe the ultimate feeling I get just from looking at this book, touching all of the special details, thinking about the time and heart put into this, its indescribable. I'd like to thank all of you who contributed such kind letters and memories, tthey are something I will cherish for a lifetime. But more importantly I'd like to thank God, for Annina is truly a blessing from Him. Without her, my trip here would not have been the same.

I look forward so much to showing this incredible book to you and I hope to somehow introduce you to one of the most amazing people on this earth.

I am so lucky to have a friend like you Annina, thank you so much. For everything.

To conlcude, happy friday, and happy birthday matthew :)

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