Okay, so, the past few days have been sort of crazy, so I'll try and sum them up as best I can. So friday morning I didn't go to school because Anna took Maria and I on a trip with the church that she works for. We also picked up a family friend of theirs, Maija [probably 21 or so], and her baby Enna [1], so that was fun. We drove to her church in Muurame, probably a twenty minute drive from here, and just kind of hung around while Anna helped out and got things organized. Around 10 three buses showed up and everyone piled in. There were probably close to 100 people there, mostly moms with their kids. The bus ride was about an hour and a half, full of screaming babies and crying toddlers, but it was fun :] We were on our way to ähteri, a finnish zoo ! We walked around and saw so many different animals, all native to Finland, it was really cool. We saw reindeer and elk, deer, and a wolverine ! I also got to see swans, and beavers, and all sorts of animals :] I took a lottt of pictures, I'll post a few at the end. After we saw the animals we went back to the picnic tables and ate some lunch and then around 3 30 we headed back to the buses and headed home. I slept pretty much the whole ride home :] I don't know how, the babies were now tired and cranky, so the screaming was worse, but somehow I managed to sleep though it. When we got back we waited for about a half an hour for Anna to helpclean up and then we drove Maija and Enna home. Anna was supposed to be worknig a kiosk at the hockey game that night, so we dropped Maria off at Sonja and Mia's house and then headed to the hockey hall. After visiting three different kiosks, Anna said that they didn't need her help afterall. I was planning on meeting up with Annina and Piia that night, so I didn't want to go home just to turn around and come back again, so I stayed around and watched part of the game with Juuso. It was really cool, they had blaring music, and cowbells ! I didn't get any pictures, but I'll make sure I do sometime before I leave. I walked downtown to meet annina around 7 or so and waited for her to get out of play practice at the school. When she came out I also ran into Joonas ! He's one of Piia's friends and I've only talked to him on facebook, so this time I acutally said hi :] So he walked and talked with Annina and I down to the bus station and then we all got on the same bus, I was going over to Annina's house for a bit, Joonas lives sort of near her I guess. So that was a lot of fun, he's really nice...;D Aha, so anyways, Annina and I walked to her house, it was really cute, and I met her 11 year old brother. He's apparently really good at english, but he was too shy to say anything to me...darn. After awhile Annina and I left her house and headed for Piia's, who was cooking us dinner that night :] Piia lives quite close, just over an overpass from Annina's house. When we got there my jaw dropped. She lives in this tiny little house, but it's so pretty ! She's an only child, so they don't need a big house, but her house was so pretty inside and out. When we got inside we noticed that she had put candles on the table and set out food in neat little dishes, it was so cute ! We ate delicious chicken soft tacos, they were so yummy :] After we were done eating and talking we took a walk outside and stargazed for a bit, we found the big and little dippers and a lot of airplanes. We went inside and watched different TV shows, ate some salted peanuts, and Piia made us the most delicious green tea I've ever had. We watched the finnish Idols, ahhahhaha, and some other random TV shows, and then around 11 30 Piia's dad drove me home. He didn't speak any english, so the car ride was quiet, but I was able to tell him enough so he knew where I lived. And that was friday ! And then yesterday. Um, I woke up around 9, had some breakfast and then Mia came over with Nana [naw-naw](her mom) and Anna and her went for a run. The boys all left for hockey practice or games, so I was babysitting. The girls and I went outside and played this jumping game, I don't know how to explain it, but someone picks a number, then the other people run and jump/leap that many times to try and get the farthest. Then the person who picked the number does the same thing only one time less than the others. Then they try and tag one of the others, if they do than they have to run back to the starting point before being tagged, if they can't reach it, then they're it again ! It was fun, kind of weird. Then I showered and watched Grease ! At 2 the girls and I went to see a movie, Nana drove us down there and we saw WALL-E, but it was dubbed over in Finnish. It wasn't bad though, theres not much talking until the end of it anyways, and it's a really cute movie, so it was fun. And then I met up with Annina again because Jason told us there was a big thing happening at the Mormon church that evening, and that althoguh we're not Mormon, we would have a chance to meet the new guy filling in for Casey. So we went shopping for a bit, and then walked over to the church. It was packeeed with kids. Apparently it was their "super saturday" or something, and finnish mormon kids from all over the country get together and just do different things through out the day in some city, and then have a dance at the end of the day, this time just happened to be in Jyväskylä. The new guy is named Terry, he seems nice, and he's funny, so that was cool. We just kind of stood in the big gym, talking and what not with our normal chill night group, everyone else was either dancing or standing as well. The funny thing about Finns is that no matter the speed of the song, they're always doing a waltz type dance. One of the boys asked me to dance, so that was fun, kind of awkward at first, but not too bad. We just talked about the normal typical things, why I was here, how long, what my hobbies were, etc. Then we had a live band perform, it was one of the past missionaries, Daniel, and some other guys. They weren't too bad acutally, I took a little video, so I might put that up. The dance ended at 8 30, after Jason sang "Can you feel the love tonight?" and "Beauty and the Beast", and all the kids got on their buses and went home. I got home around 9 30, watched Step Up, and then went to sleep. And now its sunday morning, and I think I'm gunna go shower :] Have a nice weekend !
A Fallow Deer

An elk :]

And this is for Jordan, a Buffalo !

This is baby Enna, she was so cute !

And loved to make sounds :]

A Reindeer !

A wolverine !

And this one's for mom, its an otter ! and it's waving to you :]

This is the band, Daniel is the lead singer, playing the acoustic.