Wednesday, September 10, 2008
kakskytyheksan - 29
So after Finnish lessons today I realized I had been spelling my numbers wrong, but from 27 on, they should be correct. Anyways, so I woke up this morning around 6 50 realizing that I didn't have to leave the house until 9 20. I tried my best to go back to sleep, but it didn't really work. Juuso made us porridge this morning, ah, I love this stuff ! I really need to learn how to make it so that I can make it for you when I get home. I got to school and had an hour and a half of spanish, today we had a pop quiz! I did alright, my teacher had to translate it all into to english for me, but it wasn't too difficult. Lunch was alright, it was supposedly spaghetti, but it wasn't typical American spaghetti. We had meat sauce on wheat noodles. It was really quite interesting, but not bad. Uh then we had a break and I did my psychology homework. Reading, re reading, note taking, and reading once more! But I did learn a that's good :] I then had half a period of art because at 2 I had to walk over to the University for my second Finnish lesson. Chet caught up with me by bike about half way there, we got lost again, but this time we just wandered for awhile before finding building P. The room we were in was really tiny this time and full of old books. We went over numbers and the alphabet today, all stuff I already know, but that's okay, the more practice the better ! I took the bus home around 4 30 and watched part of A Walk to Remember. I realized I hadn't been to sauna in almost a week, so I turned it on and ten minutes later I was basking in the heat. Ah, so nice :] I didn't stay for very long, maybe 20 minutes or so. Afterwards I asked Anna if she would help me color my hair ! So she did ! I love it, I absolutely love it. She got it all mixed in and everything, I didn't do a thing. I'm really glad we have a good relationship because I probably would have messed it all up and ended up dying my skin instead of my hair. But now I am officially a brunette, Jeannie, if you're reading, we're twins ! I'll post a picture, don't worry. After staring at myself in the mirror for 45 minutes, I went and ate some apple cake with Maria. I. Love. Finnish. Food. Goodness it is delicious, everything is just so tasty :] But now, after this rather short post, I think I will go to bed. Tomorrow I have a Rotary meeting so I hope I'll have lots to tell about that ! Hope you have a good night ! Oh, and Janelle, I recieved your package, thank you so much, I love it ! Same to you Pastora :] Thanks so much, it means a lot. Remember to let me know when you recieve mine, hopefully soon !